1608 Benjamin Pkwy, Greensboro, NC 27408
Over time, our mouth can show signs of wear and tear, through imperfections like stains, chips and minor misalignment. Porcelain veneers are an attractive solution to these problems and give you back the confidence to show off your beautiful smile.
Porcelain veneers are applied to the tooth’s surface through a thin layer of dental-grade ceramic porcelain. This material not only covers up unsightly imperfections on the tooth, but adds an extra shade of white to your smile. Not to worry if you have dental crowns or caps, these can be colored to fully match the rest of your teeth.
During your consultation, Dr. Gambella or Dr. Hanna will speak with you about how the procedure will be performed and how you need to prepare for it. Attaching veneers is a simple and pain-free process with lasting results. In fact, you’ll be enjoying your whiter smile for years to come.
See the transformations veneers have made on our customer’s smiles.